Prairie Family Business Association | Videos
Creative Process
MatchPoint Partners proposed to Prairie Family Business Association (PFBA) the idea of creating short-form video series from their year-round programming to support PFBA’s educational and thought leadership content pillars of their social media strategy. Our objective was to provide valuable insights on family business topics to current and potential association members and position PFBA as a trusted thought leader. Our services encompassed campaign planning to determine which video content from webinars and speakers to feature and storyboard select highlights for the social series. Once planned, MatchPoint Partners provided graphic design for video artwork, editing, and post-production services to ensure the video segments were visually appealing, cohesive storytelling insights, and professional. Through this collaboration, MatchPoint Partners aimed to strengthen PFBA’s reputation as a respected resource for family businesses and leverage the content to effectively reach and engage current members and new target audiences through social media.
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